
Product Landing Page

This study is to find how different layout can effect the performance of product landing page. This study begins with researching on what aspects and functions the users would like on their online shop. After implementing the functionality the users are asking for, the purpose of this landing page is to funnel customers into the call to action and increase sales of the product. I have included a mock prototype here.


It is troublesome when it comes to purchasing foreign CDs especially when the website does not support your language. You can be overwhelmed with the information on the site and it is difficult to navigate to the product purchasing page. Resulting the loss of a purchase from potential customers.

How can we create a modern and efficient product landing page for customers and minimialize the possibility of turning customers away?

Research & Assumption

We had conducted online surveys on platforms such as Discord and reddit to get a grasp on the struggles foreign fans have when navigating websites in foreign pages.

Value Proposition. How is this valuable?

Where? and When is this product used?


Ethnography Observations. How previous system worked

From our research, we find the following,

Problems to Tackle.

  1. Providing an English option.

  2. Streamline steps to purchase to avoid customers leaving due to UI design.

  3. Create visuals that can get customers interested in the product.


We created a landing page specifically focusing on the release of the latest album. We keep in mind to include the call-to-action in multiple areas to bring traffic into the purchasing page. We include the price tag according to the region the customer is in.


You can visit the mock prototype here.

Leaving a Strong Impression

Reduces Clutter for the Product


Advertising for Similar Products

