It's All About the Kids Foundation:
Search Engine

A bottle-necked problem is seen in a paper-trial check in system. We have visited our client's site to conduct interviews with our user base. We discovered that flipping through the physical check-in sheet takes the most time and there are volunteers idle on the side which can provide help with check-in. We have designed a system using a smart-search system where you can enter either the first name, last name or phone number to quickly record the entry of the visitor. We then incorporated a data-base so our client can make an estimation on how much food to prepare for upcoming weeks based on the entries of visitors recorded by our system.


It's All About the Kids Foundation is an non-profit organization in San Diego focus in providing nutritious food for children in impoverished neighborhoods. There are over 200 families registered for the food pantry service. Volunteers come in each week to sign families in and distribute food to them. The organization encountered a bottleneck situation during check-in each week and they do not have a reliable way in collecting and editing information for the registered families.

How can we create a easy-to-use tool that can speed up the sign-in process?

Research & Initial Assumption

Value Proposition. How is this valuable?

Stakeholders. Who uses this product? And what are some of their struggles?

Where and when will it be used?


Observing Previous System

The original check-in system which utilize a printed-out sign in list with family names ordered in alphabetical order and families were checked in manually one at a time. Families provide their first and last name verbally to check-in. Volunteer then locate their name on the sign-in list. Once the correct entry has been located, families are asked to sign their initial to confirm that they have received their food for the week. When food pantry closes, the director has to manually enter the data of which families have come in for that week.

System Map

We identify that the bottle-neck problem begins when volunteers take time to search for the entry of the families' names and when families have to repeat their name when volunteers did not quite catch it the first time. Then a line slowly begins to form. During rush hour, the line can last up to 2 minutes. In the previous system, family lines up to get ready to check in. Once they have arrived at the volunteer's table, they will present their first and last name. Volunteers then flip through the entire roster for the exact informations. Once volunteers have confirmed their information, they are then presented with their food packages.

Problems to tackle.

  1. Paper sign-in sheet are not durable and eco-friendly. One copy is being printed out each week limiting the sign-in process to only one location.

  2. Volunteers have to recite the alphabetical order each time to locate the families' last name.

  3. Repeated first and last family names and repeated entry from multiple sign-ups.

  4. English is a second language for most families and sometimes communication comes to a halt and it takes time to explain the process through body language or a translator.

  5. Difficult and tedious to record data and it is difficult to visualize data.

We have created low fidelity prototypes and tried to explore our options.

QR Code Membership Card

  • Very fast, reduce interactions between families and volunteers.
  • Requiring families to do an extra part of bringing their membership card each week.
    • Having to teach volunteers and families of what an QR code system is.
    • Losing an QR code require a reprint and ultimately we do not want to completely remove interaction between families and volunteers.

Utilizing Google Sheets


Smart Auto Complete Search



Quick drafts of potential functions help narrowing down the main function of our project.





We decide to use an auto complete search system because of how intuitive it is to use and it allows for keeping the initial way of interacting between families and volunteers.


Searching for families

Smart Search looks for the input provided as well as give recommendations that matches most with the users' input.
Providing confirmation information

Phone number can be used to confirm with family members. The Family Size number is there to allow for volunteers to provide the accurate amount of food resources for each member.

  • Phone number can also be used as an alternative to check-in to avoid situation of two different families sharing the same name.

  • The confirmation page is provided for family members to confirm their visit to the food bank service.
  • A confirmation page allows for volunteer to confirm the identify of the family coming in as a replacement of signing with initials.

Tracking data
    Volunteer can select between a timeframe to have the data visable for planning how much food is needed for the upcoming week. It also provides the information for the total amount of visitors in the time period selected.
  • A new entry is entered in our database with first and last name including phone number. The entry will keep track of the total amount of times visited as well as the most recent date visited. The collection of data enables a better prediction on how many people will appear on a given date and using such data we are able to prepare a more accurate amount of food for the families and reduce food waste.

  • A graph showing the total amount of guests among a selected amount of time can be created. Using this information, we are able to have a better prediction on how much food to prepare to reduce food waste.

On the Go

