Collaborative Travel Itinerary

Collaborative work in travel itinerary planning can be seen as inconvenient for many, however, there are many benefits in being able to work together on a travel plan. We have created surveys and interviewed people who often travel for leisure and asked them what their habits are in planning trips on their own as well as with a group of friends. This system is designed to help make collaborative travel itinerary planning more available by including functions such as bookmark system, live-editing to create an organized itinerary. Search functions and recommendations are incorporated for users to expand their itinerary.


Traveling to a foreign county is what college students dream of doing. However, they often underestimate the work behind planning a trip. There is an overwhelming amount of research and planning prior to going on a trip. It is time consuming for anyone to do such work. The sheer amount of information gathered for a trip becomes cluttered and unorganized especially when you have done your research using different materials such as travel guides, websites and the word of mouth from your peers. It becomes even harder when you want to coordinate and plan a trip with a group of people.

How can we create an easy-to-use organized and informative travel itinerary especially when traveling as a group?

Research & Assumption

We had a few initial assumptions on travel planning and have listed them below and hopefully create a tool that addressed these assumptions.

We then conducted personal interviews and published online survey on travel planning strategies, time it takes to conduct research, habits and behavior of people who often go on trips. And some of our assumptions are proven wrong. Our research shows that:

Value Proposition. How is this valuable?

Stakeholders. Who uses this product? And what are some of their struggles?

Where? and When is this product used?


Ethnography Observations. How previous system worked

From our research, we find the following,

Competitive Analysis

We took a look at different tools on the market and identify their strong and weak points.

Competitor  Advantage/Key Features Limitations
Trip Advisor

  • Active user base and provide lots of reviews and pictures for each travel location
  • Can view hotel, flight, restaurant, and destination information
  • can save destinations to my trip
  • Does not allow you to add notes to travel itinerary
Google Trip
  • Link to G-Mail account for easier access to confirmation and reservation emails
  • Suggestions on local must eat food,transportation and other essential information
  • Provides suggested routes

  • Limited customization and flexibility
  • Hard to correct confirmations and make changes to schedule
  • Filled with user input from reviews to location suggestions.
  • Company can promote their own businesses.
  • Updated constantly.

  • Some countries lacks user inputs due to their local version of Yelp.
  • The amount of information can be overwhleming leads to a difficulty to make a choice.
Travel related Reading Materials
  • Suggestions are very specific to the selected locations.
  • Full library of information about different travel locations.
  • Reading materials can be difficult to obtained.

  • Information could be dated.
  • Subjected to personal opinion.
  • Inconvenient to carry around.

We have then identified the strength and weakness of the available products on the market and created a list of problems that our project needs to address.

Problems to Tackle.

  1. Presenting information in a organized manner.

  2. One convenient way to have travel information available.

  3. Editing and Sharing information in a group setting.

  4. Suggesting nearby attractions using data from local User Reviews and Recommendations site.


Quick drafts of potential functions help narrowing down the main function of our project.


Visual Designs

We have utilized AB testing to determine which version of logo to use.


We created a travel itinerary application that enables research and organization function. It allows for you and your group of friends and be able to participate in the planning and contribute into the organization of an itinerary. People can access and edit the itinerary in real-time and provide information about other nearby attractions and means of traveling.


Sharing with your Group

Search Function

Enter the search screen you can bookmark your favorite locations. You can also add the locations directly onto the itinerary.
Flight Ticket Info

Flight ticket is organized by the nearest departing time including transit flights. By clicking the departing button, you can access the return flights information as well.


You can edit your location and adjust the timeframe of how much you want to spend on one location. Having the locations listed out on an agenda to better visualize where you want to go for your travel mates and yourself.


Maps will have nearby location suggested as well as the locations you have listed on your agenda. This feature helps finding transportation methods to the desired locations.


